
Stress to Success in 28 days – Author Q & A

During the launch of Stress to Success in 28 Days, Hansa Pankhania took part in a Q and Q session with AUM wellbeing consultant Kristina Rosenqvist, here is a transcript of that session:

Stress to Success in 28 days – A true story

Prior to the publishing of my new book Stress to Success in 28 Days, I asked a few of my contacts to trial the techniques I present in the book. Here is the story of one of them.

A Life in Words that will bring happiness and health

AUM Consultancy owner Hansa Pankhania’s latest book BEST OF THREE WORLDS is a memoir of her life.

It has a powerful message that puts diversity into context with the present Brexit Dilemma. It is a passionate soulful account of life as a British citizen and three generations under British colonial rule, an enchanting recollection of a childhood in Africa and an adult life in Britain overlaid throughout with Indian spiritual and cultural influences…

To Inspire managers and employees to excel

A book with a difference has been launched to help combat the problems of stress in the work place. ‘Success to Success Stories’ by Birmingham based corporate wellbeing consultant Hansa Pankhania takes the form of a series of short stories, each of them accompanied by a commentary, full of expert guidance and tips.